This essay was modeled after NPR's famous "This I Believe" series.  This is one of my personal philosophies that I have carried throughout life.  I respect my elders and wanted to convey this to others through this essay and corresponding podcast. 
    It is hard to think about a single maxim or lesson that I would like to share with others in my young life so far.  I do not have much wisdom to impart due to the fact that I am still learning much about life myself, but there is one thing that I hold very close.  I believe fully in respecting my elders and learning from the life lessons they have told me through experience and hardships.  
     It is sometimes depressing these days to see those of my generation disrespecting their elders.  As I grew up, I could not comprehend how some television programs glorified talking back to parents and grandparents.  I even remember times myself, when I was much younger and I didn’t want to visit my grandparents, thinking that they were old and there was nothing to do at their house. I also remember though, as I got older, that I started to enjoy many of the conversations my
grandfather and I had. There seemed to be a point in my life that I realized that my grandparents and elders had much wisdom to impart to me in our short time together here on earth.  
     I remember things like the first time that my grandfather taught me how to hold and shoot a hunting rifle on their farm in Northern Pennsylvania, and the first time he let me drive his work truck around their small town (I was 15). I would hear stories of my grandparent’s younger years in the 50’s and 60’s, causing ruckus in college, attending parties thrown by the famous Mellon family, and memories of fun vacations.  I believe that there is a time that you realize that your elders are just older versions of you. 
     We all have faults and make mistakes throughout life.  My older family members and those around me have all suffered heartbreak, sadness, illness as well as had successes, goals, and dreams.   The only way to avoid some of these negative aspects of life and learn how to attain the positive ones is to talk to those who have walked the path before you.  Wisdom is invaluable
throughout life and my elders have been a great source. I always try to cherish the time I get to spend with my parents and grandparents learning life lessons even if it means paying attention to long, drawn out stores. In the end, it is a painfully short time that we spend with loved ones, so make the most of it by respecting your elders and in this, I truly believe.    

The audio podcast for this speech can be found at the link below.

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